
In God's Time


God know the seasons of our life.


Some leaves showing the colors of fall.


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

I wanted to talk to you about time today…. How many of you can tell time? That’s great!

Did you know that there are many ways to tell the time? You can use watches or clocks -- even the seasons tell us what time of year it is. What season of year is it right now? That's right! It is fall. How do we know that? One way we can tell is that the leaves on the trees have begun to change colors. I brought some leaves with me this morning. Why don’t each of you reach in and pick one. Aren’t they beautiful, aren’t they neat!

I think God shows himself in each season of the year. In the fall he gives us the leaves, in the winter, the snowflakes, in the spring the new flowers and in the summer his lightning bugs! Aren’t all those reminders of God so cool!

As you look at the leaves and the snowflakes, the flowers and the lightening bugs, I want you to remember that these are God’s special way to remind us that he is with us in every season and every time of our lives. Isn’t that good to know!

Let’s pray: Dear Lord, We know that you are always with us no matter what season or time of our life. In your Bible you promise us you will never leave us alone. Thank you for your promises and your reminders that you are always with us. Amen.